Abby Jaidov


If you’re interested in booking Abby Jaidov for your venue, please fill out the form below or contact our booking manager, Rae Hazelnut in-world,  on Facebook or on Discord (Rae#0099). 

Alternatively you may contact the Abby directly in-world through IM or notecard or contact her on Discord (Abby#2130).

Please include the number of shows, date(s) & time(s) you’re interested in.


  • No later than 24 hours prior to the performance, make sure she has the correct group tag required to rezz stage items.
  • No later than one week prior to the performance, create an SL calendar event l isting for your venue / event.  
  • If you have any issues creating a listing, please contact Abby’s manager, Rae Hazelnut for help.

    Thank you for your time, interest and for all that you do to keep live entertainment thriving in Second Life!

    Warm Regards,
    Abby Jaidov

Booking Inqury Form

Please fill out the following form to inquire about booking.  This form is not a confirmation of booking.  You will be contacted in-world to confirm booking and any fees, additional changes or requirements.